Saturday 4 June 2011

The Paralegal and Legal Assistant Career Guide

The Paralegal and Legal Assistant Career GuideThe Paralegal and Legal Assistant Career Guide

Are you seeking a career as a Paralegal or Legal Assistant?

Despite projected much faster-than-average employment growth, competition for jobs is expected. Formally trained, experienced paralegals should have the best employment opportunities. Most entrants have an associate’s degree in paralegal studies, or a bachelor's degree in another field and a certificate in paralegal studies. About 71 percent work for law firms.

In The Paralegal and Legal Assistant Career Guide you'll discover:

* What those in this occupation do and the environment or conditions they work under...
* The education, training, qualifications, skills, abilities and experience you will need to work in this field...
* Where and who is hiring now for these positions...
* The chances for finding work and remaining employed based on demand and other economic considerations...
* The average annual pay and the factors that determine how much a person employed in this field may earn, along with any fringe benefits if available...
* Plus much more...

Included in this guide is a section listing 50 best job hunting, resume writing and interviewing tips.

Whether you're still figuring out what to do for a living or changing careers, you need a guide like this to help you make the right decision.

Price: $9.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

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